March 28, 2010

Only Hours Left To Enter The Good Eggs Giveaway!

Just a quick reminder - today is the last day to enter my Good Eggs Giveaway - the contest ends at midnight, which is less than 12 hours away!

One of my favorite habits of Legend's is when he stands on his hind legs (usually when he hears a strange sound or something outside catches his attention) and does cute tricks. Sometimes he will make moving motions with his paws and trill like he is doing something that only he can see. Other times he simply perches to attention. Usually when he does this, the camera is no place to be found, but the other day while I was taking photos he heard something and stood up right in front of me, so I quickly snapped this candid shot. Isn't he just adorable? And tall!

I've had fun thinking about this photo and all of the things he reminds me of here. Seeing his furry underbelly reminds me a little of Chewbaca from Star Wars (I was a HUGE Chewie fan!) This morning, as I was making my rounds through the Bunny Hop, it also occurred to me that if Legend played dress-up - an Easter basket here, some pink ears there - he could help the Easter Bunny make his rounds! Of course, Legend is not that kind of cat! You will most likely not see costumed kitties on my blog any time soon!

I am off to enjoy my day and the boys have been enjoying theirs (they frolicked in catnip this morning!) Have fun hopping to the last of those blogs - and good luck in the giveaway!


  1. The photograph of Legend did make me giggle. What a gorgeously ticklable furry belly! Very chewbaca-ish, I agree. I love the expression on his face, thats just priceless.

  2. So great you managed Legend to photograph when he was sitiing up.I don't know Chewbac,but I think Legend looks mischievious here:)
    Well done this action cat picture Ramona!

  3. Fantastic kitty picture,he looks amazing.

  4. Hi I am pleased to tell you that you have won a prize in my Blog Hop Giveaway, regards Julietk

  5. Thank you sooooo much for your sweet comment! Hopefully I have more time after my weddinginvitations hihihi ;-)


  6. That is a cute picture. He looks so funny sitting like that, sure want to tickle that tummy.

  7. So nice to meet you and thanks for coming by and joining in for the giveaway!
    I'm really lovin' your kitties, I have a maine coon also, named Miss Wrigley. She is the biggest love bug and sleeps between my husband and I every night! She has a sister, littermate that is shorthair and opposite personality. Funny fur kids. Your boy is one handsome dude!


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Much Love,
The Paper Princess :-)