June 14, 2011

Tales Of A Latch Key Coon Cat

Legend Loves Boxes
But A Box Can Only Occupy Him For So Long ...
Happy Wordless Wednesday and What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday to you all! As you know, I fully expected Mom to be back at the helm this week so I could tend to important matters of state, like rolling around in catnip and sunning myself on the veranda, but alas, that is not to be. Instead, while Mom is working until she is bleary eyed on migration matters, Tsunami and I are left to fend for ourselves. We must find our own entertainment. We must forage for our own food. In other words, we’ve become Latch Key Coon Cats!

So, it’s time for another tough love tell-all. As I’ve discovered, there’s nothing like a shocking expose to get the attention of Mom and Dad.

Never Let A Cat Discover An Empty Food Bowl
Imagine how you would feel if you walked into your favorite restaurant – eager to savor your favorite meal – only to discover that the wait staff had not only misplaced your reservation, but gone on break and left the serving dishes filled with crumbs from the previous meal!

That's what happened to me on a recent trip to my favorite dining establishment, The Coon Cafe. Now, a more reticent Coon might have gotten up, walked out, and grabbed a meal down the street at the Precious Paws Pub, where food is always plentiful, but not me. I took this incident rather personally, and I wasn't about to tolerate such shoddy treatment. So, I decided to teach the owners a lesson.

Hunting Time
I’m a big believer that the punishment should fit the crime. So, I decided, what better way to express my displeasure than to rustle up my own dinner and add it to The Coon Café menu?

First, I went out and hunted the plumpest mouse I could find.

Then, I brought it inside and proudly paraded it before all of the paying customers. This sent everyone scurrying for cover and guaranteed me the best choice of seats in the house.

Dinner Is Served
Finally, I walked up to the buffet, where the Fresh Catch Of The Day should have been waiting for me, and plopped my mouse on the platter.

Yes, I know that’s a lot of effort to make a point. But, it’s my belief that when the owners return – or, when the buzz from their (former) customers reach them – they will never treat me, the Resident VIP, with such contempt and disdain again.

Admiring My Handiwork
What do you think? Will today’s tough love scheme pay off? Will I be rewarded with bottomless bowls of fresh tuna and succulent turkey now that the world has heard my story? Or, will my attention-seeking antics doom me to eating vending machine rations for publishing yet another tell-all tale?

My fate may ultimately lie in your hands. Let your voice be heard. Use your influence for good!

Until next time:
Legend, The Latch Key Coon Cat


  1. Oh my gosh! I thought it was a real mouse at first! Ugh!
    Love your kitties!

  2. Terrific site! I am now your newest follower from the hop, and I invite you to follow my blog as well. Thanks.

    JJ Botta – Freelance Writer http://jjbotta.blogspot.com/

  3. I keep telling you that you ARE the brains in that operation. Pure genius.

  4. Sometimes tough love is the only way!

  5. This was an awesome read - great story through the cat's eyes!

    New follower from the Nifty Mom blog hop.

    Follow me back at www.insightfulmommy.com and twitter @insightfulmommy

    Many thanks!

  6. For those who are wondering - no, that is not a real mouse - Tsunami and I have a pact with the vermin - they stay away from us, and we will stay away from them. But, that IS Mom's Corning Ware dish, for those of you who were wondering, MEOW!


  7. Super fun story!

  8. Lol!! Poor you Legend, hope you get some 'proper' food soon!! Our pussy cat likes to rough it and eat the vermin!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  9. Brilliant! I would say that after that little show and tell your food bowls will overflowing with lovely stuff from now on!!

  10. Hope that got the desired attention Legend! I personally like to make my slaves, ahm I mean mum and dad, jump to attention. Mum especially dances around when I bring in a mouse and let it lose in the kitchen, I always take care of the little creature after a while of teasing her with letting it go and catching it again. I think this is much nicer than my cohort who on occasions has been known to bring a mouse into the bed at 3 in the morning just in case mum and dad are peckish... they don't seem to appreciate the gesture.

  11. Gorgeous kitty, getting into mischief! Happy WOYWW 106, Thank you for sharing, #25

  12. Ha! Oh, that's hysterical. We have two Maincoons here (and one unfortunate standard DSH who isn't lucky enough to be a Maincoon) and ours are VERY vocal. They would have screamed loud, long and hard until someone showed up to fill the bowl (and mumble expletives).

  13. Uggh!!!! Glad you are not mine, you naughty kitty!! Take that mouse away pronto, THEN you would get food from me!!! (tee hee)

  14. still not sure if the mouse is real - but a great story today.

  15. Great move, your clever feline fiends and beautifully told! Hope gastronomic delights are being served up regularly as I type.

  16. yes me tooo! I thought it was a real mouse! We've been cat sitting and my sister in law's cats, bring in all sorts!! Happy WOYWW

  17. Legend, i love oyur name! :) And you were so right to punish them like this. :) Happy WOYWW!

  18. I think I would freak out if I saw a mouse in the bowl!

  19. I was thinking, wow u have funny coloured mices at ur place!

  20. Poor Legend! Tough love sometimes has to happen! Mouse is definitely a way to go. My Stormy kitty has a gray one that she uses for time to time to keep me in my place. Good luck! Thanks for sharing! Vickie #46

  21. Love it, just too cute.


  22. Great post. Cats King and Queen of everything!!
    Yours is a pretty one with lots of personality..they seem to be like their master!!
    We've 2 brothers Baxter 18lbs!!! slow and lazy and Bailey..11lbs and always movin..
    Happy WOYWW from #71

  23. Super funny story. I can close to spitting my coffee all over my keyboard. lol


  24. That is one pretty kitty cat! Following you on GFC, please visit me back at www.fourlittlemonsters.com and follow me back :-)

  25. A cats got to do what a cats got to do!

  26. LOL love it! Our cats have been known to drag a string into the waterbowl as if to say "CLEAN ME!" I have a picture I need to post one of these Wednesday's :) Thanks for stopping by! I love kitties ;)

  27. Very funny - have a great weeek.

  28. You had me fooled - I was certain that was a real mousey! Hope your humans have learned their lesson - perhaps you should start warning them earlier, like when your bowl is only half empty.

  29. So funny! Hoping no mice were harmed in the making of this little tale:)

  30. Very funny - I had to look twice to reassure myself that was not a real mouse though. I'm sure it was an effective way of getting your message across and your bowl will soon be fool of delicious goodies to tempt you to leave the meeces alone :) Wishing you a better week with the return of herself and thus some normality for you. Elizabeth x #79

  31. Ha ha ha-love the story...poor kitty!
    ~Naila Moon


  32. Honestly? I would imagine mice are tastier than kibble. I would suggest you do not back down until your human brings home real ones for your dining pleasure.

  33. Gotta love the Maine Coons! Always up to something! Meows and purrs from Zee, a fellow Maine Coon cat!

  34. That was really funny. Wish I had been there.Love the pictures.

  35. lol too funny :)


  36. that looks like my cat but hairier! love the pics
    here's a link to my Wordless Wednesday

    id also love if you checked out my new meme and wrote a post and linked up:)
    You Know Your A Mama When....Wednesdays

  37. Great story, gave me a good chuckle. I thought it was a real mouse, I can see one of my cats doing this, lol.

    Happy woyww,

    Sandy #86

  38. New follower from Buzz on By Thursday!
    The Job of Mommy
    Already followed with GFC, so now I'm following you on twitter :)

  39. You have an a-dor-a-ble blog! Seriously though. I'm your newest happiest follower and would appreciate a look back!

  40. New follower from Thirsty Thursday Blog Hop.. Please follow back http://lifewithtwinsandadramaqueen.blogspot.com/

  41. Hi! Just stopping by from Blog Hop Thursday. Would love a like back! https://www.facebook.com/flightlessgoose or http://blog.writerslairbooks.com/.

  42. You have a lot of entertainment around your house!

  43. Too funny!!! Cats are so very entertaining...when they are not napping.

  44. New follower from the alexa hop. I am in love with this coon kitty! He's so gorgeous!!

  45. Lol--I hope you learned your lesson!

  46. Too funny! Cats are so weird about their food. I recently bought Alice a food that I had always bought her before (she's been eating Cat Chow) and she will not eat it! It has been a couple of days and I guess I'm going to have to get her something else. I thought she would give up and eat it. She didn't have a problem with it when I bought it for her before. She's being really stubborn.

    thanks for sharing your story for Cat Thursday!

  47. I do love those cats! Shah. X

  48. Great tail er tale er well great story, wonderful photos. We all know that cats rule the world, we humans are merely their pets and servants.
    Here's my take.


  49. Sending you an invite to come and link up to my weekend hop open Thursday night through Sunday at 11:59pm on my blog http://tawnasplan.com I hope you have a great weekend!


  50. I'm your newest stalker/follower via the Friday hop. Have a great weekend!
    I hope you will follow me back :)

  51. Legend I think you should start your own blog. I would be the first to follow you. I'm sure you have many more tales to tell and reading them will bring smiles and laughter to everyone who decides to join.

  52. I so enjoyed this post! Your cat is gorgeous!! I'm not sure how I would have felt about the mouse though! Thank you so much for sharing this post with Feed Me Tweet Me Follow Me Home - hope to see you there again this week. The linky is up now. Have a great weekend :)

  53. Hey! New follower from Friend Finding Friday! Love your blog!!

  54. So cute! I have two picky cats at home as well. :)

  55. This is a lovely story. Rights for all cats I say, even if I am a kat with a k.

  56. That's awesome :) We had a Maine coon, too. He had extra toes and was the weirdest cat ever. Yours looks sweet (if not a little scary)!haha

  57. What is the hairy thing on the last picture? Nice story.

  58. Cute kitty! Thanks for linking up with NOBH! :)


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The Paper Princess :-)